Balo’s Disease


Balo’s disease is a rare demyelinating disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) in which the myelin (the fatty substance covering nerve fibers) is damaged. Balo’s disease shares features with other demyelinating diseases and — while some consider it a distinct disorder — most MS specialists view it as a rare variant  of multiple sclerosis (MS).

Attacks from Balo's disease can proceed rapidly over weeks or months, usually without remission (a rapidly progressive course); a relapsing course (periods of symptoms followed by improvement or disappearance of symptoms) can also occur, or a person may experience a single attack (monophasic course).

What causes Balo’s disease?
The cause of Balo’s disease is not known, however, some studies indicate that autoimmune factors may play a role in its development. Autoimmune disorders are caused when the body's natural defenses against "foreign" or invading organisms begin to attack healthy tissue for unknown reasons resulting in inflammation (swelling).

The cause of the recovery seen in some patients that have or have not received treatment is also not known.

Who gets Balo’s disease, and when?
Balo's disease appears to be most common in Asians and in people from the Philippines; it affects males and females with similar frequency. Balo's disease usually appears in adulthood but childhood cases have been reported.

How is Balo's disease different from MS?
Balo's disease is sometimes considered a variant of MS because so many of the symptoms are similar to those seen in MS. In Balo’s disease, the unusual, concentric ring pattern seen on MRI images and in tissue specimens is not typically seen in MS.

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